Safer Sex Stations
The safer sex program empowers students to maker safer sex choices by providing a wide variety of free safe sex supplies and educational information! Supplies are available to students at the Safer Sex Station and by personal order. Safer sex supplies include external and internal condoms, lubricant, dental dams etc.
Students can access free safer sex supplies at the following Safer Sex Stations locations:
- Student Health Center located on the Upper Level of the Student Health Center across from the Pharmacy, provides a wide range of fee safer sex supplies for students. Any student organization or department requesting Safer Sex Supplies in a large quantity should complete the Safer Sex Bulk Order Request Form.
Prefer to Order Your Supplies? Here's How!
- Click on the 'Order Now' link below
- Complete the order form (a confirmation email will be sent to your UNCC email address)
- Your order will be prepared in 2-3 business day
- Once your order is ready, you will receive an email from wellness with confirmation details
Individual Order Requests
Need to place a Bulk Order?
RAs, student groups and organizations can request free safer sex supplies for programs and events. You can also request additional sexual health information to help your peers make informed decisions about their sexual health.