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Campus Resources

Request a Program

If you would like for a wellness promotion professional from the Center for Wellness Promotion to come to your location (residence hall, student organization, class, etc.) to give a presentation, facilitate a discussion, or provide health education materials, please complete the form linked below. In order to accommodate your request, program requests should be submitted by filling out the online Program Request Form at least 2 weeks in advance of the date needed.

The program request form allows you to select your preference of virtual or in-person options.

Our regular program offerings are listed below. We are also willing to work with you on a custom presentation if our routine programs do not quite meet your needs.

Request A Program




Interactive Presentation


  • Reduce stigma around substance use struggles and increase recovery awareness
  • Addiction as a concept; substance use disorders as a diagnosis
  • Risk factors for substance use disorders/addiction
  • Accurately define "substance use disorder"
  • Accurately define what "recovery" means
  • Identify appropriate resources and conversation navigation tips
  • How to be a campus ally

Due to current staffing shortages in the CWP, we may be limited in our ability to deliver this program on the dates/times requested.  Our apologies for any inconveniences this may cause. 

Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs (ATOD) Jeopardy

This interactive jeopardy game tests your knowledge of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs while providing education and information. Topic areas include alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, refusal skills, and general information. This program can be delivered virtually or in person.


Alcohol 101

This presentation is a basic overview of alcohol and includes information on standard drink sizes, signs of intoxication and overdose, safe drinking measures, how to seek help, and more. This program can be delivered either virtually or in person. 

Alcohol Jeopardy

This interactive jeopardy game tests your knowledge of alcohol and related policies while giving education and information. Topic areas include alcohol basics, alcohol and the body, party safety, school policies, and health impacts. This can be done as a stand-alone program or as a partner to another program. This program can be delivered either virtually or in person. 

Cannabis 101

This presentation provides an overview of cannabis, including different strains/types, how it can impact the body, warning signs of an emergency, and how to seek help. This presentation can be delivered either virtually or in person.

What's Your Plan A? STI Prevention and Contraceptives

This interactive and engaging presentation answers these important questions: What is sex? What are STIs and how can you prevent them? What birth control option is right for you? We will also cover resources available to students to better support their sexual health needs.

Green Dot Overview for Students OR Staff/Faculty (60-90 minutes) 

Green Dot is a violence prevention strategy that focuses on the powerful role students, faculty, and staff can play as bystanders. In this training, participants will learn skills to intervene in high-risk situations by identifying warning signs, personal and social barriers to intervention, and safe and effective intervention options. Through education, awareness and skills practice, Green Dot participants are equipped to react and intervene in high-risk situations — resulting in the ultimate reduction of interpersonal violence in our community. What's your Green Dot? 

The Lowdown: Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, and Stalking (45-60 minutes)

Interpersonal violence is prevalent on college campuses, and it's important we have a shared language to define it. In this workshop, we will provide an overview of the most common forms of interpersonal violence impacting college students such as sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking. The focus of this presentation is on warning signs of violence, tips to support a friend, and an overview of campus resources including confidential and private options.

The Relationship Spectrum: Toxic vs. Healthy (45-60 minutes)

In this workshop, we will discuss the relationship spectrum and strategies for identifying healthy vs. toxic (unhealthy) relationship characteristics. Students will learn about power and control, setting boundaries, healthy communication, and practicing consent. These skills apply to all relationships including platonic, romantic, sexual, and other personal relationships. 

Stalking in the Media: Discussing the Netflix Series "You" (45-60 minutes)

In this workshop, we will discuss stalking through the lens of the popular Netflix show "You" to identify examples of stalking behavior commonly depicted in popular culture. The goal of this discussion is to explore the representation of stalking in the media and how it impacts our ability to identify stalking behavior appropriately. Students will learn how to differentiate between romantic pursuit and stalking, classify different types of stalking behavior, and get more information about reporting options on campus. 

Dating Violence and Peer Support (45-60 minutes)

After an experience with dating violence, many survivors will seek out a friend or someone close to them for support. This workshop will prepare students to respond to a disclosure by providing effective support and information about resources. We’ll discuss characteristics of dating violence, warning signs, useful tips and phrases to start a conversation, self-care and boundary setting, as well as resources for students impacted by interpersonal violence. 

Exploring Consent (60 minutes)

Consent is a normal and necessary part of sex. In this workshop, we'll discuss when and how to ask for consent, techniques to check-in during a sexual interaction, and communication tips to increase safety and pleasure. Students will learn the definition of consent, verbal cues and body language, and how to apply practical communication skills in their sexual relationships.

Swiping Right: Online Dating (45-60 minutes)

Around 91% of college students are or have used dating apps, and it's important that we are safe as we navigate our dating lives. In this interactive workshop students will explore what they are looking for while dating, red flags, online dating safety, and setting boundaries. These skills apply to all relationships including romantic, sexual, and other personal relationships. 

Understanding Rape Culture (45-60 minutes)

Rape culture is the social environment that allows sexual violence to be normalized and justified. In this workshop, students will explore pervasive issues surrounding rape culture from media influences and victim-blaming to legal challenges. We will discuss rape culture and the intersections of oppression, and systemic problems that contribute to it’s persistence. The goal of this workshop is to understand rape culture, and spark change by dismantling it. 

Supporting Survivors (45-60 minutes)

After experiencing interpersonal violence, most survivors seek out a friend or a loved one for support. This workshop will provide a compassionate and informative discussion on creating safe spaces for survivors, and understanding the diverse needs of individuals who have experienced interpersonal violence. This workshop aims to equip attendees with the tools needed to support survivors by recognizing the importance of active listening, validation, and fostering a survivor-centered support system.


This brief workshop focused on identifying how stress manifests for you and exploring practical strategies to tap into the positive benefits of stress and minimize its negative impact throughout the semester. The end of this presentation will also include an overview of mental health services and resources for additional support beyond this workshop.



Feeling unmotivated, struggling to find the energy to take on your to-do list, or just feeling flat out burnt out? This workshop helps participants learn more about burnout, focuses on ways to overcome burnout, foster wellbeing, and take on those to-do list tasks. The end of this presentation will also include an overview of mental health services and resources to help you get connected beyond this workshop.



Students are often supporting their fellow students and may be the first to learn of their mental health concerns and struggles. This brief  workshop focused on learning warning signs of mental health concerns, strategies to support other students, and ways to refer to campus resources when appropriate. 


Access the Asynchronous Workshops:

Can't attend an instructor-led session?  Participant anytime through the Learning and Organizational Development Portal.  Use the link here to log in to the portal.  Then search "Intro to Stress Survival". Make sure to complete the survey BEFORE EXITING the course.  The survey must be completed for attendance verification to be issued. 



This program address topics including:  Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, Sleep, Stress, Time Management, Sex, Bystander Intervention, Healthy Relationships and Consent.  This is a typical "jeopardy-style" game which enables students to get a broad understanding of general wellness topics and resources on campus.  The group will split into two teams and compete for the highest number of points!


Presented by Registered Dietician at the SHC

Nutrition presentations focus on healthy eating for short term and long term health and healthy weight.  The presentation can be customized to meet the needs of your specific group if adequate notification is given.

*Customized Nutrition Programs on a variety of topics are available upon request

Building Resilience in College (45-60 minutes)

This program is not currently available during the Spring 2024 semester. 

The Center for Wellness Promotion is happy to offer a custom workshop to meet the specific needs of your group. Please submit a request at least 3 weeks in advance to allow time to develop a custom option for your group.